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Multiplayer Souls-Like Action RPG
Project Setup and Base Classes
Introduction (9:20)
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Edit Greystone in Blender 2.90 (12:05)
Edit Sword & Shield in Blender 2.90 (9:22)
Hero Character Default Settings (5:59)
Moving The Player Character
Movement Input (4:29)
Simple Animation Blueprint Setup (9:25)
Sprinting for Multiplayer (18:58)
Rolling (15:12)
Basic Attacking (14:28)
Picking Up Items
How To Debug (16:45)
Base Pickup Class (16:07)
Short Sword Pickup and Structures (13:21)
Display Pickup Name on Player Screen (UI) (9:42)
Creating The Pickup Logic (10:20)
Equipping Sword (14:24)
Equipping Shield (7:19)
Equipping Helmet (6:12)
Player Damage and Stats
Applying Damage With Anim Notify State (13:33)
Player Stats and Reducing HP (7:40)
Player Health Bar UI (4:39)
Player Death and Freezing Movement (7:57)
Player Death Screen (6:18)
First AI Enemy: The TROLL
Base AI Class and Troll Setup (13:19)
AI Roaming (9:43)
AI Detect and Chase Player (11:34)
AI Taunting On Aggro (9:27)
Initial AI Attacking Setup (13:08)
Finishing Light Attack (13:29)
Troll Heavy Attack and Knockback (15:00)
Troll Charge Attack and Knockback (13:46)
Troll Projectile Vomit Attack (24:00)
Building An Outdoor World
Creating The Landscape and Lighting The Environment (11:26)
Adding Assets Using Quixel Bridge (16:49)
Adding Foliage and Temporal AA Improvements (9:46)
Improving Gameplay Mechanics
Rolling And Damaging AI (11:26)
Freeze Movement While Attacking (11:50)
Player Heavy Attack (14:42)
Adding Some Sound Effects (12:35)
Reset AI and Clear Player Target (15:59)
Player Footsteps on Physical Materials (14:42)
Blocking With Shields (17:13)
Stamina System and Collecting Souls/XP
Draining and Recovering Stamina While Sprinting (17:58)
Drain Stamina From Abilities (6:15)
Add Souls/XP On AI Death (13:53)
Targeting System
Actor Components and Initial Setup (9:57)
Getting Enemies To Target (14:24)
Lock On Target and Draw Widget (13:21)
Camera Rotate Around Target (8:37)
Knight Boss AI
Introduction and Initial Setup (15:02)
Entrance and First Attack (17:06)
Charge Attack Damage and Effects (20:28)
Additional Boss Attacks (22:03)
Player Strafing & Targeting (20:07)
Multi-Directional Rolling (7:54)
Player Knockback and Stun (32:36)
Boss Health Bar (16:57)
Knockdown Fix and Multiplayer Boss Health Bar (15:31)
Bonfire Resting
Bonfire Class Setup (10:49)
Fixing Pickup Actor (12:18)
More Fixes and Creating the Game State class (14:21)
Reset AI (13:19)
Recover Player HP (6:11)
Level Up (Part 1) (19:32)
Level Up (Part 2) (16:59)
Level Up (Part 3) (15:01)
Equipping Shield
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